Vincent Van Duysen|文森特·范·杜森
In: 比利时Id: 2351106Fs: 137
简介:Vincent Van Duysen was born in Lokeren, Belgium, in 1962. After earning a degree from the Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, Ghent, he worked with Aldo Cibic in Milan, followed by a collaboration with Jean De Meulder in Antwerp, Belgium.
In 1989, Vincent Van Duysen Architects was established. Today, the firm has grown into a team of more than twenty collaborators with work ranging from product design for numerous international brands, to commercial and large-scale architectural projects, with a focus on high-end residences both in Belgium or spread across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the USA.
From the onset, a definite relationship between architecture, interior and product design has been the driving force behind the conception of projects inspired by subtle transitions between these disciplines and combined with a spatial design attitude, constantly striving for the essence.
The use of pure and tactile materials translates into clean, timeless design. With respect to context and tradition, it’s an approach within which the senses, and the physical experience of space, textures and light place the integrity of the user at its core. Functionality, durability and comfort are the prime components of the work, an architectural language not shy to convey aesthetics, but prone to eschew fashion and trends.
During his career, Van Duysen has received multiple awards among which the recent Flemish Culture Prize for Design, Belgian Designer of the Year and the Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Award. His name has also been included in the AD100 survey by the Architectural Digest network multiple times.
In 2016, Van Duysen was appointed as Art Director of Italian brands Molteni&C and Dada, reshaping their global image by designing flagship stores, exhibition stands and a series of new products. From 2018 to May 2020, he covered the role of creative director at Sahco for Kvadrat, after which he has been collaborating as a senior designer.
For many years, Van Duysen’s work has been appearing on a number of prestigious international publications. Starting from 1994, his projects and realisations have also been featured in different monographs among which those edited by renowned publishing house Thames & Hudson.
联系电话:T: +32 3 205 91 90
联系地址:Lombardenvest 34 - B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
账号建于:2020-06-20 07:05
B 住宅 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2023 | 意大利
2024-11-26 00:31|建筑设计B Residence提供了一种建筑体验,让居民与自然和谐相处。这个家体现了和平与优雅,与自然环境无缝融合。它被设计成一个私人天堂,是完美的家庭度假胜地,散发着永恒的精致。
这座豪宅坐落在一片斜坡上,有两个不同 ...
Molteni&C 旗舰店 | Vincent Van Duysen|2024 | 中国上海
2024-06-19 23:07|商业空间△Molteni&C全球最大旗舰店|中国 上海
“当我着手构思这个项目的设计之初,我便希望营造出殿堂般的庄严氛围,饱含秩序之美的绵延空间,强调建筑的宏伟壮美 ...
JNcQUOI 海滩俱乐部 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2023 | 葡萄牙
2024-01-17 01:04|建筑设计JNcQUOI 海滩俱乐部由原始海滩和未受污染的自然环境构成。 这个新项目证明了 Vincent Van Duysen 建筑师与自然合作的能力,位于欧洲最独特的海滨目的地之一 Comporta 风景如画的 Praia do Pego 海岸。 这片海洋绿 ...
Zara Home 全新简约系列 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2023 | 比利时
2023-06-01 22:58|创意设计比利时建筑师兼设计师 Vincent Van Duysen 与 Zara Home 一起打造了另一个系列 - 以克制为特色,该系列的单品具备成为经典的条件!
RE 住宅 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2022 | 法国
2022-12-28 21:04|软装设计,RE Residence 是位于法国巴黎的一座极简住宅,由文森特·范·杜伊森 (Vincent Van Duysen) 设计。 RE Residence 是一座复式公寓,位于一栋装饰艺术建筑的顶层,可欣赏到左岸和艾菲尔铁塔的美景。 它为喜欢与巴黎 ...
EK住宅 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2022 | 比利时
2022-11-29 22:42|居住空间,EK Residence是位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的一座极简住宅,由Vincent Van Duysen设计。EK住宅位于西洛杉矶Brentwood的社区,坐落在一个独特的场地上。该结构设置在一个平缓的斜坡上,真正的中世纪现代风格,创造了 ...
艺术风格复式公寓 | Vincent Van Duysen | 2022 | 法国
2022-09-15 15:24|软装设计在第 7 区的一栋最纯粹的装饰艺术风格的建筑中,建筑师文森特·范·杜伊森 (Vincent Van Duysen) 改造了一个俯瞰塞纳河的复式公寓,以容纳一个非常高水平的艺术收藏品,即企业家和艺术爱好者的当代保罗·伊曼纽尔 ...
Vincent Van Duysen 为 Zara Home 设计新款家具新系列
2022-06-25 18:35|创意设计Vincent Van Duysen:凭借他为 Zara Home 设计的新系列,这位比利时建筑师审视了他自己的设计生涯——并让出色的设计变得物美价廉。
“这次合作对我来说具有象征意义,”今年正在庆祝自己 60 岁生日的 AD100 设计 ...
比利时 | Giro | 奥克尼椅子 | 2021 | Vincent Van Duysen
2022-02-13 16:52|创意设计,Giro(奥克尼)椅子*是一个重要的灵感来源。
,作为本土设计的例子,这款经典产品促使我从过去汲取灵感,着眼于 Kettal 提供给我的当前技术技能。 虽然奥克尼使用天然绳索,但 Giro 专注于回收聚丙烯绳索的灵活 ...
比利时海滨村庄诺克(Knokke)住宅(2017)Vincent Van Duysen设计
2021-04-06 17:28|居住空间比利时海滨村庄诺克(Knokke)以精致的白色山墙屋顶度假屋而闻名。
业主和他的家人在皇家高尔夫球场旁,这个永久性的住所可以欣赏整个高尔夫球场及其由Martin Wirtz设计的受保护的私人花园的美丽景色。
大面积粉刷 ...