项目名称:無同 Project Name: Wooton 项目地点:四川成都武侯区望江路1号 Address: No.1 Wangjiang Rd, Chengdu, China 设计公司:無同设计团队工作室(WOOTON DESIGNERS) Design company: Wooton Designers 主要品牌:WOOTON CASA Furniture: Wooton Casa 主要材料:实木、天然石材、不锈钢、镜面 Materials: Wood, marble, stainless steel, glass 项目面积:2400.0㎡ Project size: 2400.0㎡ 完工时间:2015年5月 Complete Date: May, 2015 摄影师:林超、苏铁 Photographer: Chao Lin, Tie Shu 無同 分享空间的生活组合 file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57B7.tmp.png 無同是成都前所未有的一家集合店,位于成都市武侯区望江路一号。在無同2000平方米的空间里1楼空间集合了餐饮,书籍,花艺,服饰,刺青,自由办公等十余项业态。2楼空间为定制化健身服务。Wooton locates at 1st Wangjiang Rd, Chengdu. The store combines various interesting stuff in 3000 square meters space. For the 1st floor, we provide food, beverage, books, flowers, clothing, tattoo, open office and so. A whole different fitness center is on the 2nd floor. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57C8.tmp.png 关于無同的设计风格 無同最大的风格就是没有风格。没有刻意给空间定义风格的框架,不单用某种风格或者具象的某种造型,更多的是在打造一处独具一格的空间。围绕着家的主题,融入团队想要表达的情感,内涵与实际的结合。从整体上来看,無同是以传统木色与深灰为基调,选用的材料都是纯天然材质,不涉及过多的装饰,没有多余人力加工制造的。很多的材料都是四处收集来的废旧的木头经过处理改造来的,自然创造的需要不断的循环利用,坚持用原木最真实最本质的一面,这样做出来的东西给人带来的自然纯粹也只有無同与家才能真正体验到的。 We don’t use any style or form to describe this space. It is more creative and more complex than just a store. We decorate it with our imagination, to express the sense of a perfect home. We choose the basic color tone of wood and dark gray, to give the most nature feeling. All the materials are eco-friendly and recycle from old buildings. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57C9.tmp.png 从全开放的角度出发,精心打造 空间与空间的对话,业态与业态的碰撞。很多东西都是从无到有的,在这个全开放式的空间里,我们不断的融入更多日常生活中色彩的元素,比如美食和健身。通过顾客与业态的交集,推荐一道家常菜或推荐一首跑步音乐,希望能够尝试给人们带来前所未有的新鲜感,让人们在無同自由无束缚的空间里做自己想做的事情。在享受的过程中,可以拉近人与人之间的距离,同时产生不同的交流互动或者跨界合作的可能。 As a creative space, we share and learn from each of your daily life and experience. Maybe a pop song, a cooking recipe… As we interacting, there will be more new chemistry, fresh ideas and surprises. 诠释生活的空间组合,完美落地 两层楼的每一处都设有独特的休闲开放区。从采光通风的合理角度来表达我们在空间中想要呈现出来的效果。 We connect inside and outside together, in order to bring in natual lights and air flow for all 2 floors. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57D9.tmp.png 一楼的区域,用无框玻璃折叠门使人们可以自在游弋穿行在室内与室外。外面增添的流放活态水景,加上自然空气的过渡和绿植,通风明亮的舒适感给人们无限遐想的环境氛围。从空间的角度出发,在灯光,材料,软装,色彩等等搭配下去布置这些空间,更重要的是去了解每个业态的功能性,再合理的去分配。好的设计是把一件东西放在对的地方,而不是把贵的东西堆在一起。不论是从视觉感官上,还是心理直觉上,在反复的摸索中找到正确的方法。开放式的空间不受约束,办公区域里可以随意交流,分享读书会或开办课程讲座。 For the 1st floor, we have full length fold-able windows to connect inside and outside, in order to bring in natural lights and air flow, plus the water view and green plants, . All the indoor lights, materials, accessories are compatibly with different areas and decorations. The space is not the most luxury, but it is the most comfortable, in which we can share our thoughts freely in forms of booking reading, cooking sessions… file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57DA.tmp.png 舞台区域摆放3米高的骷髅雕塑是無同中心标志,结合音乐和灯光元素,给人们带来不凡的视觉体验。还有一大特色为头顶上方由不绣钢的镜面拼接出的成都三环地图形状,达到从上到下无限延伸放大的视觉冲击力,在嗨趴的周末尽情放肆玩耍。 In the center of 1st floor, there is our trade mark, the 3 meter skull. It is the control center of all the light and sound system. Which will bring you to the different level of entertaining during evenings. Up top, there is a metal map of Chengdu on the ceiling. it will extend the visual sense and give an extraordinray party experience. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57DB.tmp.png 二楼的区域多处设有落地窗,运用镜子与光的折射、反射原理,使整个空间更加光亮通透。只为大家享受健身时挥汗自如的快感同时更加舒适。 The 2nd floor is lighten up by natural lights and the reflections of mirrors. It creates an environment of passion and energy. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57DC.tmp.png 动感单车区域采用的镜面是不锈钢的材质,跳出传统音乐和喧闹,在弧幕投影下变换画面风格,巴黎铁塔,富士山下骑行让顾客沉浸式空间体验感。In the spinning room, the projector will bring the Eiffel Tower, Fuji Mountain or any other famous attractions in front of you. And you can just ride yourself all over the world. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57ED.tmp.png 瑜伽房用木质的竹编形状与竹林元素的融入,将整面的水泥墙挖空成每个不同形状的小方块,在这些小空隙的范围内用蜡烛、熏香增添氛围,在慢慢抒意的气氛中让身体和心一同进入冥想状态。In the yoga room, you will sit in middle of woods and bamboo. All the candles and fragrances will help you to relax and meditate. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps57EE.tmp.png 操房区域没有华丽的装潢,在敞亮的场地放松姿态,释放身体。 For gym room, Little crystal balls are hiding in the plants. You can stretch your body nice and easy. 無同不是一个人就可以完成的,而是通过每种生活情感与感知的萃取共同努力创造出来的。 Our store logo is sitting in the middle and attract all attentions, it is also an invitation from us. 结尾 无时无刻,我们生活所处的每个空间都是人们用双手去创造而来的。我们不得不反思,有多少设计是人做的,但是又有多少设计是做给人的?在尝试创新的步伐中,不丢失传统风格,站在舒适、环保、自由角度出发去改变便是無同设计的初衷。 这就是無同,各种精彩生活的组合,让人们享受生活、分享互动的平台,一次真实的创造实践,一次唯心的分享旅程。 From time to time, we are creating our living spaces. But deep down, do we really need all those design? Do they really good for us? As human civilization develops so fast, we keep the tradition, classic and create for more. Here in Wooton, we share space and idea to create a home like environment for all our friends who can experience the joy of life.