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铂蓝·五龙巷位于大同古城县学五龙壁旁,历代皆为科举士子飞跃龙门之地。地脉秉承千年文运,福泽深厚。相生相济的五行之龙,以祥瑞升腾,喻风生水起。铂蓝·五龙巷收化五龙景象,以中国传统人文氛围塑造中式居住理想回归地。 Bolan·Five Dragons Lane is located beside the Five Dragons Wall of the county academy in the Datong Ancient City. In various dynasties, it had been the place where scholars passed the competitive imperial civil examination. Having carried on the cultural blessings for thousands of years, the land has profound good fortunes. The dragons, symbolizing the five major natural elements which generate and assist each other, are soaring atop auspicious clouds, making them perfect analogies for prosperity growing like winds and water. Absorbing the scene of the five dragons, Bolan·Five Dragons Lane shapes the ideal place to return to Chinese-style living with a traditional Chinese cultural ambience.
作为中国独有的建筑形式,四合院是传统文化最直观的载体,即便一砖一瓦,都别具韵味,富含中国人文精神。铂蓝·五龙巷进化传统,将时尚简约的现代元素融入古朴典雅的国风院落,即得中式美学的韵味,又符合当代的审美与生活需求。在传承文化的同时,赋予时代创新,营造安宁、美好的居住氛围。 As a unique architectural form in China, a quadruple courtyard is the most intuitive carrier of the traditional culture, with each brick and tile revealing unique charm and rich deposits of the Chinese humanistic spirit. Evolving the tradition, Bolan·Five Dragons Lane merges the fashionable and simplistic modern elements into ancient, plain, classic and elegant Chinese courtyards. It has not only acquired the charm of Chinese aesthetics, but also met the contemporary aesthetic and life needs. While inheriting the culture, it also bestows innovation from the era to create a serene and beautiful living atmosphere. 古人一直有九雅之说:寻幽、酌酒、抚琴、莳花、焚香、品茗、听雨、赏雪、候月。九种简单平凡的事情,涵盖了中国传统的生活智慧,以及对美的追求与感悟。中式美学重在写意,以其含蓄典雅,由人自由体悟,一系列中式美学的相关字词,如雅、逸、妙、清、空、幽、灵......皆是意境,讲究不得一字,尽得风流。 The ancients had been chasing after the nine major elegant matters, including, seek places of tranquility, sipping wine, playing zithers, cultivating flowers, burning incense, enjoying tea, listening to rains, admiring snow and awaiting the moon. These nine simple and ordinary matters have covered the Chinese traditional wisdom of life, as well as the pursuit of and enlightenment on beauty. Chinese aesthetics focuses on a free style with its implicit and elegant connotations for unrestrained perceptive minds. A series of related words of Chinese aesthetics, such as Ya (elegance), Yi (leisure), Miao (wonderful), Qing (clear), Kong (empty), You (tranquil), Ling (spiritual)... are all ideas of artistic conception, stressing the full revelations of romanticism and charms even within one Chinese character. 四合院是一种景观、一种艺术,更是一种向往的生活。南宋诗人陆游有诗句——残花已觉胭脂淡,煮酒初尝琥珀浓。描写自己在家里煮酒赏花的场景,闲居于院,清雅恬静的文人生活跃然纸上。铂蓝·五龙巷除方正舒朗的中庭之外,独立的侧院、后院、南院,以及宽敞的阳光地下室,赋予家中不同的生活时空。 A quadruple courtyard is a landscape, an art, and a sought-after life. Lu You (1125–1210), a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279), had a poem which read “In remnant flowers she feels her fading rouge; In cooking wine, she takes a first sip of the amber-colored thick liquid.” He described the scene of himself cooking wine and admiring flowers at home. Living idly in his courtyard, he gave a vivid depiction of his elegant and quiet life as a letterman. In Bolan·Five Dragons Lane, in addition to the square, comfortable and bright atrium, there are also an independent side courtyard, backyard, south courtyard, as well as the spacious sunshine-drenched basement, giving families different living realms. 在本案的设计中我们探寻传统文化中写意的表现形式加以萃取,辅以现代的表现手法,从形制、材质、颜色中提取各关键元素,通过对宋式家具、陈设、意境的探索进行设计氛围的整体营造,以求达到四合院的居住理想回归地。 In the design of this case, we explore and extract the freehand expression form in traditional culture, which is supplemented by modern expression techniques. Various key elements are extracted in terms of structures, materials, and colors. Through the exploration of the song-dynasty-style furniture, furnishings, artistic conception, we create the design atmosphere from an overall perspective, so as to create an ideal place to return to living in a quadruple courtyard. 一层平面图 二层平面图 负一层平面图
项目名称:有根脉的院子才能源远流长-铂蓝·五龙巷合院样板间 Project Name: Model Room of “Only Courtyards with Cultural Lineages Last—Bolan·Five Dragons Lane Courtyard Houses” 业主单位:大同中兴江鸿房地产开发有限公司 Project Owner: Datong Zhongxing Jianghong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. 软装设计:元禾中林设计 Soft Decoration Design: Yuanhe Zhonglin Design 空间设计:田播室内设计事务所 Space Design: TBO DESIGN 项目地点:中国·山西·大同 Project Location: Datong, Shanxi, China 主创团队:戴蓉、谭玲、张耀丹、袁通 Team Leads: Dai Rong, tan Ling, Zhang Yaodan, Yuan Tong 项目面积:1200平方米 Project Area: 1,200 Square Meters 完成时间:2019年12月 Completion: December 2019 摄影团队:言隅空间 Photography Team: InSpace