- 客户:Majorel,
- 面积:23,680 sqft
- 年份:2022
- 坐落:Changzhou, China,
- 行业: Consulting / Business Services,
- For Majorel’s latest Call Center in Changzhou, China, Architecture Farm designed an industrial-style office environment to create an attractive workplace for a predominantly young population. The design encourages interaction and socialization for idea exchange and promoting team spirit, where boundaries between work and play have been blurred, which not only helps relieve work stress, but also brings its people together as a ‘community’.
- The existing structure has been split into two zones, distinguished by 9 meters and 6 meters in height. The colossal 9-meter zone serves as the front-of-house area with several major functions, including reception area, external meeting room, training room, cafeteria, and interview rooms. As a call center, numerous interviewees are expected visiting daily, and the design focuses on making each visitor to experience the vitality and joy provided by the workplace. The project features a 6-meter diameter spiral staircase that prominently occupies the center stage of the inviting reception located in the enormous industrial steel and glass structure. Connecting different levels of the project, the flowing curve of the grand staircase not only signifies the ascending spirit of humanity, but also aligns with the client’s corporate motto: ‘Driven to Go Further’.
- The grand staircase portrays an elegant and artistic atmosphere; the rotation realizes the perfect blend of art and industry; the revolving flow of people paints a lively picture. Traditional corporate front desk has been replaced by a casual bar-style island crafted in stainless steel and terrazzo. Grand Staircase generate a unique chevron pattern backdrop, which plays the effect of light and shadow in warm and passionate tone. The rustic material conveys an understated charm. The concept of “floating island” defines the roof top of the first-floor training room. The space is adequate to serve multiple functions, including flexible workspace, informal meeting and discussion, breakout, and special events, to list a few. The floating island not only provides a versatile functional space, but also a place for everyone to share good moments.
- The open office enhances our perception of the space with its multiple horizontal and vertical layers. Unique fragmented spaces can be viewed from a variety of viewpoints, enriching our spatial experience. The structural columns are cladded with metal mesh, with indirect light strips and numerical departmental signage. Calm and restrained, the exposed concrete surfaces convey a strong industrial aesthetic, dashed with brick red and olive green to neutralize the otherwise industrial coldness.
- The design of Majorel’s Changzhou office provides a spatially open and functionally versatile office design to its users with a warm, natural, and inclusive environment. With enthusiasm, people could attain a compelling sense of belonging and happiness through their career.
- 团队:Karen Wong, Huang Qiuying, Gu Jun, Liu Hailiang, Liu Dan, Zhang Huacong, Yin Weijun
- Lighting Consultant: Withzen
11 Images | expand for additional detail
- 转载自:Office Snapshots
- 语言:English
- 编辑:序赞网
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